2024 Government Affairs Rise N Shine Breakfast
John F. King is a lawman, a soldier, and Georgia’s Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner. He’s the first Hispanic statewide official in Georgia’s history. With a distinguished career in law enforcement and the U.S. Army National Guard, King brings a wealth of experience and dedication to his position.
Commissioner King is a staunch advocate for lawsuit abuse reform, emphasizing its importance in maintaining Georgia’s competitive edge as a prime location for business. His commitment to this cause ensures that Georgia remains the No. 1 state for business, benefiting citizens and the economy. King has strong ties to Southwest Georgia, too; he was raised in Albany and is a proud graduate of Albany High School.
Join us on Tuesday, November 7, at Doublegate Country Club for the 2023 Government Affairs Rise N’ Shine Breakfast, where Commissioner John King will be our guest speaker. We’ll explore critical issues ahead of the upcoming Georgia Legislative Session. Breakfast begins at 7:30 a.m., and the program starts at 8:00 a.m.